My Blog » Network Marketing TRUTH

Oct 02

Get The Edge Over 95% Of The Network Marketers Out There! | Network Marketing


This Is Your Time In Networking Marketing To Thrive!



We can never escape the fact that the life blood of our business is leads, if you have not got leads, you have not got a business.


The fact is, there is a way of getting leads that actually want what you are offering, so you are never chasing people.


Think about it for a second, once you have spoken to all of your family and friends, then what?


Network Marketing1. Will you can work deep in your distributors centre of influence which is good, BUT you never want to forget to continue to build your own frontline, which is a mistake many people in Network Marketing make.


2. You could buy leads, if you find a good leads company that More Leadsgenerate their leads correctly so they are real people looking for a business and the company hasn’t sold that same lead 20 times to other people.


Network Marketing Prospecting3. You can go out and do situational prospecting when you are out and about and adopt the 3 foot rule, which states if anyone gets with 3 feet of you when you are on the street, then you tell them about your business.


4. You can go to local networking meetings (A good resource to findLead Generation local meetings is This is a more long term strategy.


classified ads5. You can run Ad’s in Newspapers, Radio Ad, Periodicals, Flyers, Sizzle Cards, Trade Shows etc.


6. You could learn how to market online to get in front of 1000’s of websitepeople. To do this you NEED to be trained correctly because there is a lot of things online to distract you and take you away from doing the money making activities of speaking to people. You also need to use an effective system that will allow you to add value to people and at the same time generate income that will keep you in business.


Lead Generation


Lead generation is a skill and with all skills it is something a person needs to learn. If you can master this skill in Network Marketing, you will always eat. Now I am not one of those Network Marketers that say, “Stay away from the old school strategies and talking to your family and friends” because I firmly believe if you have a good product or services that you are promoting, why would you not want to tell your family and friends and give them the opportunity to benefit from the opportunity. I will not pre-judge anyone. I have people in my organisation today that make £1000’s on a monthly basis but would not touch internet marketing with a barge pool!

However you get your leads, the most important thing is you are getting your leads.


More Leads


With the growth of the internet, there has never been a time in history when Network Marketers have been able to get their opportunity in front so many people so quickly. So people in the Network Marketing industry need to learn online marketing BUT in the context of Network Marketing. If they don’t do that, then the Internet Will Kill their Network Marketing business!


A good Sales and Training funnel is needed to do this effectively, I personally use a system that was designed by Network Marketers for Network Marketers. It is hands down the most powerful leads generating and training system for Network Marketers on the internet.


Now not everyone is going to see the value of using this system because unfortunately most people still want something for nothing and this is going to be a learning curve. However if you want to be part of the 5% top income producers in your company then you NEED to see this system. 


Click Here to Check It OUT!


If this post has helped you, please feel free to share it so others can benefit from it also.

Jul 13

Your Future | Network Marketing

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Network Marketing Success Is In Your Future If You Want It


inactivityWhat is the thing that is stopping you from taking back your future?

How many times have you said to yourself that you’re going to do something and you never do it.

There are so many people out there that want to make a change in their life and be successful but they stop at the first hurdle. 

This is the biggest problem that you will face, you have to conquer the enemy within and then when you do that, the enemy without can have no affect on you.


The People You Come Across In Network Marketing


In Network Marketing you see this all the time, people who start with very good intentions but because the enemy within has so much power over them they can never fulfil their destiny. They let people talk them out of their destiny, they talk themselves out of their destiny, or they don’t even start on the road towards their destiny because they have a wrong expectation of what to expect from their Network Marketing business.

Our industry of network marketing is the only industry where ordinary people can create extra ordinary income and is not based on their education the social background this skin colour or gender their age or anything like that it is a completely level playing field and the only thing that will determine success or failure is the level of desire commitment and action.

If you are looking at the Network Marketing industry as a potential career path for you, make sure you have those qualities in place and then make sure that the company is a good one, the product or service is one that people need and also are high quality and the mentoring that you are going to get will be at a one-to-one level and not just based on training courses and seminars.


The Reality Of The Network Marketing Industry

researchThe industry of Network Marketing has changed many people’s lives and it can change your life as well.  If you have already seen a company that you are looking to get involved with and you have done your research and due diligence, then I wish you all the success you can get in that company. However if you are still looking for a company to get involved with, then click the link below and you will be taken to a presentation of the company that I personally am involved with and if you decide to join me in the mission of this company, then I will be your personal mentor.


So thank you for stopping by my blog, please come back again as I do you share some valuable content on here. Register for the RSS feed and please feel free to leave a comment and share this post on any of the social platforms you use.


May 08

The 5 Key Elements To Be Successful In Network Marketing

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The Keys To Success In Network Marketing

Network Marketing as an  industry has the ability to let the everyday person make an extraordinary amount of money and because of that it tracks many people to it. Unfortunately many of these people come into the industry without the key principles that is needed to be successful.

get rich quickMany people see it as a get rich quick scheme thinking that they can put a little bit to do but get maximum returns and when it doesn’t happen what they do is only the opportunity and then jump into another duty thinking that they can do it there. They end up never making any money in any opportunity that they and unfortunately those same people start spreading negative information about the industry.

Network marketing is for those people are looking to change their situation but realise it is going to take work. So the point of this blog post is just to give you the five key fundamental principles that a person needs to understand for them to be successful in a Network Marketing opportunity




Network Marketing Principle Number One

deperate to changeHaving A Desperate Why

There has to be a reason why a person is building their network marketing business and that reason has to be strong enough for them to keep on going on the matter what. It is more than just a why it is a “Desperate WHY” for why they are doing what they’re doing.

A person is going to have to want success so badly that they will do the things other people will not do , so eventually they will get the things that other people will not get. They have to be a person that can persevere through struggles, through challenges and through victories.

They need to be able to look at the challenge in front of their face and see it in the context of their Desperate WHY, so that the challenge does not intimidate them.

Principle Number Two

Being Teachable

teach meThis is probably the most important thing in regards to a persons development, because if a person is not teachable they will not allow themselves to be mentored and then make a lot of mistakes trying to do it themselves.

Too many people come into the industry with a big ego and have to learn the hard way that, your ego will affect your bank account every time. There is nothing wrong with having a strong ego because that will just make you assertive, knowing what you want and that you are going to get there. However, big having a big ego is very destructive because now it’s all about you and nobody can tell you anything.

I have had people in my organisation that had so much potential and had achieved a decent level in the compensation plan, but because their egos and too big, it destroyed any future growth they could have had with the company, which caused them eventually to leave. You cannot help somebody with a big ego no matter how much potential they have.



Principle Number Three

A Good Work Ethic

To have success in network marketing is going to cause you to have to go to work, that means if you haven’t got a good  work ethic your business will not grow. This Good work ethicis no different than if you was in a job or if you were starting a traditional brick and mortar type of business, you need to turn up in order for your business to grow.

You can build this business full time or you can build it part time but you cannot build it spare time. A person needs to decide how many hours a week they can commit to the business and then they have to make sure that in those hours they are doing the business, they are making those hours count. Also a person needs to have the integrity to plug into all of the elements of the particular system they are using to build their business, because that is how the business grows through duplication.

Principle Number Four

Strong Desire To Succeed

success orientedYou have to be success orientated to build any type of business, if you are not driven to be successful, then you would just be one of those people who plod along, happy with the product or service you are using, happy with the company that you’re representing,  but not really having any impact.

Having a strong desire to succeed will cause you to work towards the targets that you set yourself. It will also inspire the people that you are leading, because they will follow your example and remember a leader leads from the front.

When you have a strong desire to succeed, then you have tunnel vision and you know what you’re going for, this means no matter what comes your way to try and distract you from your journey, you will dismissing it and keep on moving forward. If you look at any successful leader in the network marketing industry, they have always been with the same company for a number of years and they didn’t jump around companies like an MLM junkie.

Principle Number Five

Christins 2A Passion For Help People

Network marketing is and will always be a peoples business. If you want to be successful in network marketing you have to be able to put people before yourself. In our industry the more you give is the more you get, and this is why a selfish person will always struggle to build our type of business.

If you take your eyes off the money and focus on the people,then you would always make the money!

In network marketing all of the motivations are in the right place, because nobody can really make money in network marketing long term until they help somebody else to make money. It is about having a long term vision instead of just having short term satisfaction.

Final Thought


If you are looking at the industry as a possible means of you gaining financial freedom for yourself, then please look at it in the right context.

Come in with the right expectations and the people that you help in the business, make sure they to have the right expectations too.

Less hype  and more reality should be the order of the day, so that the message of network marketing does not get diluted with all of the miss information out there about what it takes to make money from home.

I really hope this post has helped you and please feel free to share it on any of the social media platforms that you use and leave me a comment below.


For those of you who are looking for a good opportunity, check the link below, watch the presentation and then connect back with me so I can answer any questions you may still have.:

Apr 22

How To Deal With The Pressure Of Building A Network Marketing Business






Network marketing as with any other business comes with its own pressures and associated challenges. Many people when they go to a network marketing meeting and decide to join the opportunity, come into the opportunity with the wrong expectation. They expect that the business will naturally just fall in their lap and money will easy money in Network Marketingjust start rolling in, because that is the impression from the hypey presentation they saw. However the reality is something completely different. The reality is in order to be successful in network marketing it is going to cause the person to have to put the effort in. It is going to cause them to have to learn new skills, it is going to cause him to have to develop a thick skin, because not everybody they speak to is going to join them in the business. Unfortunately many people are not prepared for this and so when the challenges come, they use those challenges as an excuse why either the business doesn’t work or they’re just not fit for the business.

Be Real In Network Marketing


It is so important that when somebody starts another person in a network marketing opportunity they set the righbusinesst expectation so the person knows what to expect in their journey.


The pressures in building a network marketing business are these:

1. Not everybody is going to see the vision in the same way you see it, so when they are not as focused as you are, that can cause frustration.

2. Some people are going to join you in the business and they have no desire for helping people they just see the money, that in turn can cause pressure when you’re trying to mentor them.

3. People that you invest time in and you raise them up so they get to a certain level, then all of a sudden start believing their own hype and then become very unteachable and in some cases very ungrateful.

So how do you deal with these pressures?


successFirstly you always have to have your “Desperate Why” in front of you, that is the reason why you personally started doing your business and is your driver for continuing to do your business. You then also have to understand that the only behaviour you can control is your own, so you operate with integrity and do what you need to do.

Also never forget that in this world there are all types of people and if you try to figure out why people do what they do, you will just go crazy, so don’t go down that road. Who you’re looking for are people that have vision just like you, who have integrity just like you, who have a good work ethic just like you and who have a passion for helping people just like you. When you start working with these people and you see them advance to the various levels in the compensation plan and you also see these people changing their lives, that in itself cancels out all of the negativity that you can experience when you come across the negative types of people that will join you in your business.success

Remember this, a good name is far better than any money you can make, so never compromise your integrity or compromise who you are for a check. So many people have done that and they try to convince people that they are something they are not, basically manipulating people. However fortunately with the passage of time, the true motives we be exposed for what they are. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time.


Yes This Does Happen When Building Your Business!


Recently I had one of my leaders leave my business and join another opportunity, the way I dealt with that is the way that I greener grasswould always deal with similar situations, because the reality is, people are going to join you in the business all the time and people are going to leave your business all the time.  People will always get tempted into other opportunities because of a message that “the grass is greener on the other side”. So the way I dealt with that situation was, NEXT!, who else can I now help to raise up to the level that this particular person was at and then help them go beyond that, also how many other people can I also raise up. You see if you are always other people focused, that will keep you focused and always help you to build your network. So take your eyes off the negativity that is associated to building a network marketing business, because those negativities are not unique to network marketing they are in any business, so you decide to build your business and not make excuses, because we are dealing with people and personalities.

The challenges in network marketing will come but it is not about the challenge, it’s about your attitude towards the challenge, that is going to be the thing that will determine your success or your failure. So understand this, you are in the best industry on the planet, you have the potential to make a significant income for yourself and your family, so do yourself a favour and never let anybody steal your dream!


If you have liked this post please share it on whatever social platform she use and please leave me a comment because it will be well appreciated

Mar 25

Ever Wondered How A Quiz Could Change Your Life?

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People do quiz‘s all the time for fun, but what about one that will change your business for good. Entertainment is nice but entertainment and empowerment it even better

Complete this quiz and start on your new journey to success in Network Marketing!





Jan 14

Bury The Ghosts Of Last Year! | 2015




2015Forgetting Past Issues 


When building your own business sometimes it can get difficult when you hold on to the challenges that have previously happened,  especially in network marketing,  if a person cannot look forward and forget about the challenges they faced, then they will struggle to build their business.

People let you down all the time, as well as you having all of the negative voices around you, so in order for you to be successful  your “WHY” for doing your business has to be extremely strong. You have to remain focused, you have to remain determined and you have to be persistent. If you get sidetracked by other people that tell you “the grass is greener on the other side” or if you fall into procrastination so that you don’t do the day-to-day activities that cause results for your business, it’s doomed to fail.

2015Setting goals is so important to keep you focused, it helps you to understand what you want to achieve and how you are going to get there. It also allows you to be accountable not only to yourself, but if you have an accountability partner, it will help you to remain on the right path. The people who do not set goals are the people who do not achieve. You have to you write them down and make them plain and then use them as a plan of action moving forward.Setting goals is so important to keep you focused, it helps you to understand what you want to achieve and how you are going to get there. It also allows you to be accountable not only to yourself, but if you have an accountability partner, it will help you to remain on the right path. 

2015 could be your year if you write down your goals, set the ball in motion to fulfil your goals and make sure that you are faithful with your activity.

Be Aware Of The Sharks in 2015



There are going to be people that you encounter in 2015 that will try to destroy your dreams and your goals, by offering you something destructive. They will try and persuade you into their deal, giving you promises of greater things. This is where your “WHY” really has to stand out, because if you’re “WHY” is not strong enough and your belief in what you are doing is not deep enough, you will be lead astray. However if those things are firm, then no one will be able to shake you in what you’re doing .



You see there are 2 types of people in this world, there are the people that find an opportunity, have a belief in the opportunity and work that opportunity long-term to success. Then there are the other types of people who are always looking for the next big thing and so they are easily persuaded by somebody giving them “the grass is greener on the other side story” so they hop from one opportunity to the next opportunity. Unfortunately there is always a group of people that they can convince to follow them in these opportunities. The saddest part is, the people that are following them very rarely experience the success promised, but they do experience the fallout caused by a lack of direction.

protect yourself


In 2015 guard your dream, protect it, so that nobody can come alongside you and through poor advice, destroy it.

Network Marketing is an amazing industry to be a part of, but as with any industry, there is the good side and a bad side.

So, what are you going to achieve in 2015?

It is the start of the year and all we have in front of us is time and potential. However it will take work, it will take effort, it will take commitment. But if you are willing to go through the process, help people and put them before yourself , add true value to their life, then by the end of 2015 you will not even recognise your finances.

If you are reading this post on my blog and you are not already in a business opportunity, I want to show you an opportunity that changed my life seven years ago. If you are already in a business opportunity,  I would encourage you to use all of the resources on my site to help you generate leads for your business, so that you can Dominate your current business opportunity.




There is enough room in the network marketing industry for everybody to be successful, so let’s go out there and help as many people as we can with our products or our services and let’s change families, let’s change communities and let’s change cities, so that people can experience the life they thought was impossible.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you throughout the year and if you haven’t already, follow me on Twitter Facebook LinkedIn and YouTube you will see the sharing links below.

Have a great year guys.

Dec 18

The Success Mindset-Kansas City Workshop


Success Mindset


Success Mindset


Earlier on this this year the company i am with asked me to do a workshop on the “Success Mindset
This was such an important workshop to do because success in Network Marketing is going to start in a person’s head. A person will experience success in our industry, as with any other industry, if they have a success mindset. If their mindset is negative, then failure is always just around the corner.


Poor Mindset

One of the main reasons why people are not successful in network marketing is because their mindset is completely wrong and they don’t understand that it is going to take work, it is going to take consistency, persistency and also determination. 
In the workshop I introduced everybody to somebody called P.O.A.P, P.O.A.P is someone that we all know, a friend that we will take with us wherever we go. 


Success In Network Marketing

Your relationship with P.OA.P is going to determine whether or not you will be successful in network marketing. This is why when a person enters into a Network Marketing opportunity, they have to make sure their mindset is either in the right place or they are prepared to develop their mindset to the right place
Watch the overview in the video below and if you want to see the full workshop just type in your best email address and your name in the form below and you will get full access to the complete workshop. These principles I speak about are relevant whatever the business is you want building.


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We respect your email privacy


Sep 19

DailyBread Instagram Marketing

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What Is Instagram?  Instagram

If you didn’t know what Instagram was before,you will increasingly learn more about it. That’s because 

Facebook recently purchased it for $1 Billion in cash and stock, this is a sleeping giant!

The whole idea behind Instagram is very simple: Take a photo on your phone, add a quirky filter, and share it across Instagram‘s internal network or multiple other social media platforms

It is now one of the biggest social networks with more than 40 million sign up users, which can follow friends like images and comments on them. More than 1 billion images have been downloaded or about 6 million per day. The amount of daily user is very high, the images generate more than 600 likes per second and more than 85 comments per second.


Instagram Marketing

So what does this mean in regards to the potential for lead generation?

Well whenever you have a large community of people getting today, you are always going to have a massive opportunity to get your business infront of their eyes.

As with most social media platforms, you are always going to get your spammers that will jump on the band wagon, so you have to make sure you stand out. You do this as always by adding value.

The formula never changes, the more value you add, the more interesting you are, the more people are going to follow you and look at your information.


So here are a few tips for Instagram marketing 


Six Lead Generation Tips for Instagram Marketing:


1. Share Evebonus checknt Photos – Sharing event photos and company promotions gives followers the inside scoop about your company, it also gives you a chance to start to position yourself as a leader in your company  to build your brand.

Me on stage 2013 EU confernce2. Showcase You – Another way to promote your brand is to take pictures of you engaging in training on a local or a corporate level. Make sure you place in your profile a link to a training Blog post or video that would strengthen you as someone a person would want to work with. Also post personal non business related pictures so that people can get a background insight into you. This will help to position you as real appraochable person.



Kalogris foundation3. Showcase Your CSR Initiatives – Another way to humanize you and your company is to take pictures of your company engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Showcase events where your company is engaging in the social good of the community. Does your company have a charitable arm, impacting communities and disadvantaged people. Post photos of the corporate staff of your company engaged in humaniterian activites. Let the world see the company’s humanity.



Reliv products4. Show off Your Products – In addition to sharing photos of you training and the company’s humanity, you should definitely use Instagram as a platform for showing off your actual products. After all, the whole reason you’re using Instagram in the first place is to get potential customers to become paying customers and also potential business partners who see the value is distributing with you. So You’d be doing yourself a great disservice if you didn’t leverage Instagram as a platform for showcasing products to your followers.



5. Engage With Other Brands on Instagram – Social engagment is so important and Instagram is no different. You want to be commenting and Liking other people’s content. This goes a long way to demonstrate that you’re trying to invest in creating an Instagram community. It will casue others to invest in you and the knock on effect is you will gain some valuable leads in the process.



hashtags6. Personalize Your Hashtags – Finally, don’t underestimate the power of personalized Instagram hashtags. However, do not go crazy with it as some people do. If you do go down the hashtag road, it’s important to understand the nature of hashtags. They are there to make you and your profile more visible through search. Do not use any old word to hashtag just because they are humorous or entertaining. Unless they are built around searchable keywords, they will not help your lead generation strategy at all. So think about your hashtags, as they can seriously increase your exposure.



If you want more detailed indepth Instagram training, click the link below straight away and don’t forget to watch to the end, as it will explode your Instagram Marketing:


Mastering Instagram With Just 10 minutes per Day!

P.S If you like what you see, please feel free to share it others. It’s all about Paying It Forward!

Sep 11

Why Facebook Marketing?

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Get Useful Tips About Facebook Marketing Which Are Very Easy To Understand


Social media has turned into a great tool for several businesses to promote themselves, there isn’t a social media platform that is more popular than Facebook. Today, Facebook marketing can definitely assist you in getting the most from your business, but only if you have the right information. Continue reading and learn. Connect your Facebook page with other people who are prepared to help spread the news for you. In order to obtain the optium benefit that comes from using FacebookFacebook, the trick is to have an insane amount of people that Like your page. It could be simple to acheive this if you use the right strategies and techniques.

You ought to find a way to get this information to limit the amount of mistakes you make prior to starting your marketing. People will not clamor to work with somebody that generally seems to find it difficult communicating, so in order to be successful, you will need to get over any fears you have of engaging with people. You should look at outsourcing a person to do your marketing to suit your needs, should this be something you cannot change.

Use custom tabs on your own Fanpage.

When you build your business Facebook page, you’ll have general tabs like the Wall and Info tabs, by creating your very own custom tabs, this extends your capabilities to market you product or opportunity. Some pages have tabs which contain links to different kinds of content like newsletters, training, merchandise, and ongoing contests.

NEVER buy fans!

FacebookNever do this because if you do, they will not engage with your page because they have no real interest in your page and Facebook rewards engagement, so if people are not engaging on your page, your page will not show up to the majority of Fans you have purchased because you will have a very poor EdgeRank, which is what Facebook uses to see which Pages to promote. Your real fans who actually Liked your page, will be curious about your information, so will naturally view your content, like, comment and share it. Ask your fans to get involved with the conversation on your Facebook page. The better engagement and interactivity you possess, the more likely you’ll get more fans in the process.


Let your existing fans do a lot of the heavy lifting for you!

Their conversations will generate interest through their own networks, which will increase the exposure of your page. Once you post something, one of the intentions ought to be to get responses through your community. Therefore, think about each post and discover how to phrase things so that people may wish to comment on what you have said. The best way to do this is by asking people for their opinions. Create a group committed to your business, industry, product etc, this will be made of prospective customers or business partners. Use this group to share true value which will position you as a leader in your field. This is the perfect plaform to stay in regular contact with your prospects.

Share pictures on Facebook.

Take into account that your subscribers check Facebook to find out updates shared by their friends. Your updates my not probably be simple to notice if your subscribers have a great deal of friends on Facebook. Getting their attention is a lot easier if you share interesting images or video pictures as opposed to just text updates.

Integrate your campaign across multiple platforms

LikesYou want your branding to be consistant, your site’s should feel and  appear  similar   across your Facebook page, your website, your Twitter page, your YouTube channel, and the like. Consistent branding can make visitors feel more at home on your business advertising platforms, and therefore encourage more use of all platforms.

Consider developing a Facebook app if you think your target audience would appreciate this function and use it. An effective app ought to be fun to utilize and valuable in your audience. You could as an example create a game based on your products or services or provide your subscribers with an interactive catalog. Before getting started with this project, first do the rght research to gage the interest of your respective audience for apps. With this advice I would suggest you go out and take action, put your passion into your marketing and you will achieve success.

Final Thought

You have been given the basic fundemantals, however if you want more indepth training into `Facebook mastery and how you can use Facebook to increase your lead generations and selling etc, click onto the link below straight away, don’t let life get in the way!

Aug 23

Success DailyBread

success in Network Marketing2

Success The Most Coveted Thing!


Success is not an accident, but a result of consistent action.

Many people join the home based business industry with a GET RICH QUICK mentality and they wonder why they NEVER build anything significant. It is going to take work and consistent effort to be successful in this industry. It is not the lottery!

Your Success Is Down To You

What ever you do in life, the success or failure of it is down to you.
95% of people look for things that are easy. 5% of people look for things that are worth it and they are prepared to go through the ups and the downs to get to their destination.

When I mentor people I look for people with the top 5% mindset, in fact I would even narrow it down to the top 2% mindset.


Looking For Success In A Home Based Business?

If you want to see the opportunity I use to mentor people to freedom, click on the link below and do not waste another minute.


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