My Blog » Network Marketing TRUTH

Aug 21

DailyBread Program Your Mind


Program Your Mind Correctly


Our minds are like a huge computer that needs programming, so it is important what you program your mind with.

There is a saying that says “If you hang around 4 broke people, you are guaranteed to be number 5”

Program Your Mind And Become the Person You Want To Be

What you surround yourself with is what you become, so put valuable information in your head so you can be valuable. Put inspirational information in your head, so you can inspire others.

If you put useless information in your head……………, well you know the rest!

Do not just be another person plugged into the Matrix, but take the Red Pill and see the world for what it is, so you can excel in it.

Program Your Mind And Become Teachable

I mentor people to make money from home, so that they can realise their full potential. If you would like the see the opportunity I use to do that, click unto the link below straight away!


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Aug 19

DailyBread Repetition Second Instalment


Repetition (Cont.)


This is the second edition of me talking about Repetition. This is how important this topic is to your success.

A lack of consistency will kill you every time, so many people loose out on success just because of a lack of consistency. They do not develop the level of posture they need, because their lack of consistency makes them loose confidence in themselves.

Talk With Posture Through Repetition

Repetition give you the confidence to talk with conviction and also the confidence to show someone to do what you did.

This is why it is such an important topic.

Industry Of Repetition

I am in a industry that is heavily reliant on duplication and that is why a consistent dependable system is so important.

If you want to see the opportunity that I use to help people to financial freedom which also has a predictable system, then click on the link below:

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PS If you liked what you saw please leave a comment below and hit share.

Aug 14

DailyBread Courage



Are you Courageous enough to go after your goals and dreams?
Is life just about survival for you or are you passionate about having freedom?
There is always going to be the Rich, Middle Class, Working Class and the Poor. In the west we have so such opportunities, no one has an excuse for not progressing. Granted some people are in more difficult situation than others, but we all have a choice to learn new skills that will improve our situations.

Courage Through Opinion

I work in an industry that allows ordinary people to create extra ordinary incomes by helping others. It has been called The Business Of The 21st Century. I was blessed enough to be associated with a company at the leading edge in their field. Everyday I am able to feel a sense of purpose in what I am doing. How many people can truly say that?

Courage To Take A Look

If you would like to know what my business is and how you can potential benefit, click the link right now, DON”T WAIT because life always has a tendency to get in the way.

Click Now


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Aug 11

DailyBread Procrastination



Are you guilty of this? I know I am; that is Procrastination & Discipline. The only commodity we cannot get back is time, so it is very important that we do not waste it. One of the common time wasting activities is procrastination. We need to be disciplined enough to work to a structure or else we are going nowhere quickly. Procrastination give us a false positive, in other words we think we are being productive. Don’t be fooled guys, procrastination kills productivity! In my field of Home Based Business this is what stops a lot of people from being successful. However, just because a person did this in the past, does not mean that person cannot change.

DailyBread Activity

So start from today, change your mindset and continue forward.

Home Based Business Success

If you would like to see the opportunity I use to help people get to financial freedom, click this link straight away and connect with me afterwards:

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Aug 07

DailyBread Repetition

The Mother Of All Learning Repetition


How do you master something?

Through repetition!

This is how the majority of things are learnt.


Success Happens Start From Birth

From the moment we are born we begin to receive information and that constant bomardment of information is the thing that begins to develop our understanding

We will never stop learning, right up until the day we die we will be learning.

So with that said, it is very important the type of information we put into our heads.

So many people say they want to be successful, but when to look at the information they put in their heads, it is all designed to keep them mediocre.

Success is not an accident, it is a result of putting the right things in place and consistently doing them over and over again.


Moving Forward From This DailyBread

If you are reading this and you are seriously looking for a way to be successful, and obtain financial, time and family freedom, then click on the link below straight away and see the opportunity I have been using for the past 7 years to help people do just that:


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Jul 31

DailyBread What Or How To Do It

Have The Right People Around You

It shouldn’t supprise you that when you start something new, you are learning What or How to do it. The process of learning starts with small simple steps.

So many people do not make decisions that can seriously improve their situations simply because they let fear hold them back. They think that in order to start, they have to know everything about it.


The Rich And The Poor

The difference between the rich and the poor is, the poor think they have to know everything about something before they get started. Whereas the rich just want the right people around them, so they do not let themselves be the issue.

This is why I love the industry I am in, because I am not the issue.


Research Me

If you are looking for an opportunity where you can have the right people around you, then click onto this link immediately and research what I do:


If you like what you see please share it and comment below.


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Jul 30

Daily Bread, Take The Plunge

Taking The Plunge


What is it that you are thinking about doing that fear is stopping you from doing? Take The Plunge and step out in faith.

Do not live a life of regret, the only commodity we cannot get back is time. Live your dream and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Success is achieved one step at a time.

We are all on our own individual journey’s in this life and our choices will dictate the quality of that journey.


My Offer

For those of you who are looking for a change in your life and you have a passion for helping people, check out the link below.

As a mentor and coach, I am looking for people who are serious about changing their situations. Success is a choice, click the link straight away!


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Jul 18

DailyBread “Invest In Yourself”

Why Is It Important To Invest In Yourself?


It is so important to continue to invest in yourself. So many people stop learning once they leave school or university, not realising that we will be learning until the day we die.


Success Is A Mindset

The difference between success and failure is the willingness to learn new things.

So many people are full of pride and ego, however ego will effect your bank account every time.



I work with teachable people who truly want to change their lives and are not willing to give excuses. These people become very successful and in turn empower others.

If you are ready for a change and are just looking for the right person to come alongside you and work with you on your road to success, then click on the link below immediately and see the opportunity I use to help people to freedom!


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Jul 17

DailyBread “Adding Value”

The Strength Of Adding Value


How is your life adding value to people. This is an important question to address because many people push others away from themselves, simply because of their attitude.

If you can put others before yourself, if you can have an attitude of service, then your success is guaranteed.

The Way To Success

One of the reasons why I love the industry I am in, is because my success is directly linked to the success of others. If I am not willing to reach down and raise somebody else up, I will not be successful. This means all of the motivations are in the right place.

If You Have The Right Attitude, We Need To Speak

If you want to see the opportunity I use to help people increase their finances, click on the link below and you will be immediately taken to the information:


Also if you like what you see in the video then please share it so other can be encouraged also.


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Jul 14

DailyBread “Your Vision”

Your Vision Is Your Vision!


Don’t be surprised when people do not see your vision in the same way you see it.
When you try to get someone to see your vision like you see it and they don’t, you get very frustrated. A visionary is a very unique type of person. Most people are sustainers and facilitators who help the visionary‘s vision come to pass.

Entrepreneurs are visionaries, employees are facilitators and sustainers.

So what are you, where is your focus?

If you are a visionary, then do not let anyone kill your dream, learn how to forgive people that do not share your vision. Work with people where they are at. You will be amazed at how those people will want to help you achieve your dream.

Search for a Visionary

I am looking for visionaries to join my team, which is called TeamVisionarys. So if you are passionate about helping people, have a strong desire for changing your finances , you have a good work ethic and you are teachable, then we need to speak TODAY!

Click on this link to find out more:

If you like what you hear, please feel free to share it on all of the social media platforms that use.


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