The True Issue With Network Marketing
The question is not so much can anybody build a network marketing business in the UK, the real issue is, will everybody build a network marketing business in the UK?
You see network marketing just like any other industry has basic fundamentals and principles that has to be applied in order for somebody to be successful in it. If a person decides to join a Network Marketing opportunity and doesn’t learn those basic fundamentals then they will not be successful.
Network marketing is a profession and so in order for a person to develop a life changing income, that person will have to be professional.
Why Do A Home Based Business
So many people join network marketing opportunities with the mindset that they will do minimal amounts of work to get the maximum amounts of return and that just is not going to happen. Unfortunately there are some people that promote this message with a lot of hype behind the levels of income and how quickly they can be obtained. However the reality is that people who have achieved high levels of income in the network marketing industry have had to go through a lot of personal growth, some challenges, learning new skills, and taking a lot of knock backs. The difference between those people who make the large incomes and those other people who do not make those large incomes is, the people making the large incomes decided they were not going to quit when things got too tough and look for another opportunity.
A person needs to be consistent, persistent, and determined to be successful, they need to take “Quit” out of their vocabulary and they need to be willing to put the effort in. Network marketing is not a sprint, it is a marathon, and so people have to develop stamina in order to create those long term residual income cheques that this business is producing every single day.
Not everybody is going to be willing to go through these processes and put the work in and that’s why even though everybody has the opportunity to build a network marketing business, not everybody will build within this industry.
The statistics that 95% of people will not build a significant income within the network marketing industry is no different to the statistic that 95% of people that start a traditional bricks and mortar business will fail within the first five years. The reason why people that speak against network marketing like to use that statistic is because they understand it’s a lot easier to get involved in a network marketing business then it is to start a traditional bricks and mortar business. So they know the majority of people will know someone that tried some sort of opportunity, so they have a much wider audience.
However when you have people that Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, and even Bill Clinton ex US president who support the industry, then you know it’s not an industry issue that causes people not to be successful. If it is a solid company with a good product or service and they offer good training, then it is an individual issue why people fail.
Network Marketing In The UK
Network marketing is the only industry that offers everyday people and chance to significantly change their income just by being teachable, having a good work ethic, and having a desire for helping others. Your educational background is not important, where you were brought up is irrelevant and the colour of your skin or your religion will not hold you back.
What other industry will give you the potential to run a multi million dollar or pound business without any employees, no accounts receivable and very little inventory? Also, now with the advancements in technology it is even easier to build an international business and actually do business anywhere on the planet.
The world economy is changing and the things that people do to develop an income is also evolving. People that decide to build home based businesses alongside their jobs, until their income grows to the extent that they can leave their jobs if they choose to, are going to be the people that have true freedom for themselves and their families.
This industry is not for everyone but for those who choose to get involved and decide to get serious, this industry is life changing.
If you want to know more about Home Based Business done correctly, then click on the link below and discover what works and what does not work.
Home Business Done Correctly
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