One o the major challenges to people in our industry is when dealing with someone on a one to one basis, how to effectively invite them to look at some information. This is the very reason why there is a stigma attached to people going to their friends, family and people in their centres of influence first.
The realty is for someone who is new to a specific opportunity, just as long as it is a quality product or service, your centres of influence is the quickest way to start developing some cash flow and also some referral business.
Now this should not be your only strategy long term, but these foundational strategies have and still do work very well when done properly. If you increase your skill, you increase your value to the market place.
A lot of people online try to devalue these foundational principles of our industry, BIG MISTAKE! I personally have leaders within my organisation who are growing large organisations but would not touch the Internet with a barge poll.
I always wanted to position myself as a person who could help a person whether they wanted to grow their business online or offline and this is why I think the most important skill a people can learn in our industry is People Skills because your people skills will effect your marketing.
Here is a short training I did for some distributors in a specific opportunity, showing them how to effectively invite.
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