The one thing that is always going to be the most challenging part of build a Network Marketing organisation that has longivity is, understanding people and how people work together.
Network Marketing is all about team work, the sum of the masses is greater than the sum of the individual. If you do not train people on how to understand different types of characters, then as quick as your organistion goes up, it can come right back down again.
Also when you are dealing with people and money, you are not always going to get people who operate as ethically as you, so it is important for people to understand the types of inividuals that may potentially join them in their business.
Network Marketing is and will always be a people’s business.In order to truly build a long term check in our industry, you have to be hitech and also hi touch!
Technology has allowed our industry to explode in the amount of potential, however many people have chosen technology as a replacement to dealing with real people.
Technology will never replace the individual interaction between mentor and student. People are not loyal to companies, products and systems, people are loyal to people. This is the strength of our industry, therefore in order to be truly successful in our industry long term, we need to to undrstand people more than anything else.
In this weninar training, I touch on a few key issues that a person building a Network Marketing organisation, needs to understand.
I truly hope it helps you and empowers you to go out there and help a lot of people because you have a greater understanding of people that 95% of the people who get involved in Network Marketing cannot be bothered to learn.
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