Network Marketing Has Changed
Network marketing has changed over the years, In the early days people are restricted to communicating their business opportunity with media like DVDs catalogues and flyers.
A lot of times people used what is called Sizzle cards, which they handed out at train station’s bus stations on the street, all with the hope that they could generate a lead and attract them to their opportunity.
People operating what is called the 3 foot rule, which basically means that if anybody comes within 3 feet of you, you pitch them your business opportunity.
People targeted family and friends and other people within their centres of influence and once people got the interest of individuals they then connected them to their upline via a 3 way call proceeded by an invite to an opportunity meeting, Which was normally held in a hotel room.
When a person started an opportunity they were told to initially make a list of 100 people, as this was how they were going to start generating and income and start building their businesses by connecting those people to their upline.
This was how the standard Networking Marketing opportunity was built and over the years this has created many companies to be billion dollar companies.
You cannot deny that the old school methods worked and people applying them properly today are still getting results.
However is there a more effective way of exposing
more people to your Network Marketing business?
Technology has breached a gap that was missing in previous years within our industry, that can allow more people to see information about business opportunities a lot quicker.
Also technology allows individuals to position themselves as leaders by adding value to their prospects, even before they join them in their business.
As people experience the value that has been added to them by individuals they naturally want to find out more about the individuals opportunity. At that point the person with the opportunity becomes magnetic to their prospects, then they now become the hunted instead of the hunter, I call it reactive prospecting a lot of other people call it attraction marketing.
Network marketing has evolved and technology is allowing it to go to the next level.
Now there are some people that will never want to use computers and the Internet to build their network marketing business, they’re just not wired that way and that is fine because the old school method that they’re using will still work for them as individuals If they develop the skills needed to develop using those methods. However the people who use technology and understand how to leverage themselves through technology, will be able to get a lot more done in a lot quicker time and sponsor a lot more people.
Every company has their own unique system of how to develop their business once a prospect comes on board, however if you cannot get the people to come on board then all you have is a system.
If a person is using the Internet to get leads then they have to be using some kind of marketing system to create sales funnel that they can put those prospects into, which will then convert those prospects on autopilot.
Also how about getting paid on the prospects that say no to your primary business? Well an effective sales funnel will do just that.
One of the reasons why people stop building their network marketing businesses is because they run out of money to continue to build it. However if you use a sales funnel to put your prospects into, it will not only position you as a leader but it will also help to fund your advertising so you can continue to build your network marketing business.
When I understood this it completely changed the way I do my business and if you want to find out about system that can generate anywhere between 20 to 30 leads a day for your network marketing business then click on the link below and I’ll take you through the system where you can see a complete blue print of how to do it.
Or maybe you’re looking at network marketing as a potential industry to get involved with but you haven’t found an opportunity yet, then still you need to click on the link below so that you can see how you will be able to market the business that you eventually find.
I hope this article has been useful to you if it has, please feel free to like me on Facebook or share it on twitter or any other social network so that other people can benefit from it as well.
Click on the link and see the blueprint for yourself STOP STRUGGLING IN NETWORK MARKETING
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