This Is Your Time In Networking Marketing To Thrive!
We can never escape the fact that the life blood of our business is leads, if you have not got leads, you have not got a business.
The fact is, there is a way of getting leads that actually want what you are offering, so you are never chasing people.
Think about it for a second, once you have spoken to all of your family and friends, then what?
1. Will you can work deep in your distributors centre of influence which is good, BUT you never want to forget to continue to build your own frontline, which is a mistake many people in Network Marketing make.
2. You could buy leads, if you find a good leads company that generate their leads correctly so they are real people looking for a business and the company hasn’t sold that same lead 20 times to other people.
3. You can go out and do situational prospecting when you are out and about and adopt the 3 foot rule, which states if anyone gets with 3 feet of you when you are on the street, then you tell them about your business.
4. You can go to local networking meetings (A good resource to find local meetings is This is a more long term strategy.
5. You can run Ad’s in Newspapers, Radio Ad, Periodicals, Flyers, Sizzle Cards, Trade Shows etc.
6. You could learn how to market online to get in front of 1000’s of people. To do this you NEED to be trained correctly because there is a lot of things online to distract you and take you away from doing the money making activities of speaking to people. You also need to use an effective system that will allow you to add value to people and at the same time generate income that will keep you in business.
Lead Generation
Lead generation is a skill and with all skills it is something a person needs to learn. If you can master this skill in Network Marketing, you will always eat. Now I am not one of those Network Marketers that say, “Stay away from the old school strategies and talking to your family and friends” because I firmly believe if you have a good product or services that you are promoting, why would you not want to tell your family and friends and give them the opportunity to benefit from the opportunity. I will not pre-judge anyone. I have people in my organisation today that make £1000’s on a monthly basis but would not touch internet marketing with a barge pool!
However you get your leads, the most important thing is you are getting your leads.
More Leads
With the growth of the internet, there has never been a time in history when Network Marketers have been able to get their opportunity in front so many people so quickly. So people in the Network Marketing industry need to learn online marketing BUT in the context of Network Marketing. If they don’t do that, then the Internet Will Kill their Network Marketing business!
A good Sales and Training funnel is needed to do this effectively, I personally use a system that was designed by Network Marketers for Network Marketers. It is hands down the most powerful leads generating and training system for Network Marketers on the internet.
Now not everyone is going to see the value of using this system because unfortunately most people still want something for nothing and this is going to be a learning curve. However if you want to be part of the 5% top income producers in your company then you NEED to see this system.
If this post has helped you, please feel free to share it so others can benefit from it also.
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